For many companies, particularly those in retail, the holiday season is considered the most important stretch of the year. According to the National Retail Federation (NRF), holiday sales make up 20-30% of many retailers’ annual profits. The extra crowds mean extra profits, which means you need extra employees to ensure everything runs smoothly. Below are some important tips you may need to know before hiring seasonal staff this year.
Make a Plan
Before you begin the hiring process, take a look at previous years’ numbers as far as sales and staffing. Use this information to create the best estimate of how many staff members you will need this year and for which shifts, as well as which departments. For example, will you need additional payroll, HR, or management staff? Or just more front-end sales team members?
Start Early
Start hiring seasonal staff as early in the year as possible. Try reaching out to quality employees who have worked for you seasonally in the past. You will have more applicants to choose from if the best employees have not already been hired by your competitors. You may also end up with a few hires who back out, so it’s good to have adequate time to fill those shifts again.
Training is Key
Choose employees who have the personality traits you are looking for, then invest in training them to do the job well. It is much easier to add training to a positive personality than it is to change the personality of a well-trained staff member. The holidays can be stressful for a lot of shoppers as well as your staff, so it is important to have someone who can keep interactions pleasant and helpful.
Stay Legal
Check with your legal team to make sure you are in compliance with any rules that apply to seasonal staffing. There may be variations in benefits, pay grade, labor laws, or other employment requirements.
Don’t Overlook the Details
Remember that a seasonal employee is still a representative of your company and should be presented as such to every customer. It is worth investing in the proper uniform, equipment, or other items to complete the experience. For example, custom name badges are essential for every employee, regardless of the time of year.
Get your custom name badges from NiceBadge and design them to fit your unique needs and style. Stock up on seasonal name badges that are high-quality while still affordable, and have all your employees looking sharp for the holidays.