Nicebadge in the News
Gibson receives "Business Champion" Award from BR&E September 25th 2008
Grants Pass Business Retention and Expansion Program Celebrates 10 Years
The tenth annual Grants Pass/ Josephine County Chamber of Commerce Business Retention and Expansion (BR&E) business awards dinner was held September 25 in Grants Pass, with over 100 attending. The award-winning BR&E program began locally in 1998 as an effort to help existing businesses remain happy, healthy and growing. The BR&E program surveys businesses every three years, and completed its 2008 survey earlier this year.
Steve Vincent, Oregon Regional Business Manager for Avista Utilities, presents recently appointed SOREDI president Lowell Gibson with the 2008 "Business Champion" award for his efforts in helping other businesses succeed.
Lowell with his children Christie and Matt at Awards Banquet.